Sunday, 18 October 2015

Bomb Scares

Bomb Scares is a new horror comic anthology showcasing a truly frightening array of artists and writers. Intended as an annual release over the next three years, this first anthology collection due to be published later this month. That's right - later this month - as every page is already fully completed and ready for printing!

The concept of Bomb Scares is a simple one: Inspired by the notorious EC horror comics of the fifties, I wanted to produce a modern horror anthology that would scare, bemuse and repulse - and throw in a dash of unexpected humour too!

To do this, we aimed high and recruited respected editor Paul H Birch to help put together a truly breathtaking array of comics talent for this first volume - including creators such as Mike (Deathlok, Captain America) Perkins, Luca (Spider-Man, Black Knight) Pizzari, and Gary (Westernoir) Crutchley. We also have 2000AD artists Richard Elson and Dave Kendall who collaborated for the first time to produce the incredible Bomb Scares painted cover.

Bomb Scares features graphic stories of cutting edge horror. The artwork throughout is breathtaking - each of the artists involved producing some incredible pages of comic art to realise the dark and macabre tales of the writers they collaborated with.Unlike previous launches, Bomb Scares will be available as a pre-order option through Kickstarter - which will be offering the complete Bomb Scares book in both print and digital editions much cheaper than cover price. 

You can pre-order your copy of Bomb Scares here: Bomb Scares Pre-Order