Wednesday, 23 April 2014

New Charlotte Corday Website Launched!

We're delighted to share the news that Charlotte Corday - that multidimensional super-spy who features in our London Calling and Squadron of the Screaming Damned books - now has her own official web presence at where information about all her upcoming exploits can be found!

Created by Stephen Walsh and Keith Page, as well as her Time Bomb Comics dalliances Charlotte has a variety of other guises including her steampunk astronaut persona (seen above) that featured in the Iron Moon graphic album published by Strip Media a few years ago.

Our most recent adventure featuring Charlotte - the aformentioned Squadron of the Screaming Damned - will also be finally available for all UK comic shops to order through Diamond in their May Previews catalogue that will be published shortly.

Needless to say,  future adventures featuring not just Charlotte but also some of her eclectic supporting cast are in the pipeline - so watch this space!

Thursday, 17 April 2014

More About Longship!

Click through to our Longship page on Facebook for lots of information and artwork about our forthcoming Longship book!

From artwork previews to test pages, our Longship facebook page is being regularly updated with details about the book and when it will be released.  The biggest news about the book though is that it will be available for pre-order in the May edition of Previews for delivery into shops during August, and that the official launch for the book will be at the Birmingham International Comics Expo on 2nd August!